Monday, April 30, 2007

Hello nerds!!! Haha came back from school today and had A maths and chinese paper. Lol had a super tiring day luckily tml there's no school. Used up all my brain juice for Amaths but still leave some blanks,haiz.. Lol then had chinese paper, i think i did quite average for paper 1 la. But for paper 2 i think i did quite well.. Haha THINK is the key word. Then went to play deck with Wee cheng and bai fong, basket sia wee cheng. Say before hand get rid of bai fong first then he gang up with bai fong to hit me...LOL luckily i still killed him first, muahaha!!!

Then after tat went to the donut playground to look for ximing they all. Lol and watched them play donut..joker sia ximing, haha then his mum summoned him home. Ok and thats tat went home after that and here i later going out for dinner my dad's birthday,whoo happy birthday dad. I wouldnt say it to him face to

Anyway tats something in my mind quite troubled by it. I get really turned off by those ppl who keep coming to my class for no apparent reason, come and make so much noice. And act as if they were part of our class. I really can't stand the sight of them man, but have to not my classroom afterall. But hope they will get the msg la..some of them is ok, they come at least they dont make so much noise. But some people which some of u might know, came with the jacket then act cool act cool make so much noise flirts with girls. In fact they are so uncool and a total fashion mistake..wardrobe malfunction eh~ Lol it doesnt matter if u come.. But pls stfu and sit there and dont act cool. THANKS~~

spoke at : 6:58 PM

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Hello people!! Didnt blog for a few days, haha anyone SA1 started and my compo wrote out of point! Shit, haha but mrs tan say maybe if my language is good i wouldnt fail, hope i wouldnt fail. Anyway monday is A maths and chinese paper, MUST DO WELL!! Haha today went to library to study, whoo didnt really study much man, can't seem to concentrate..too many people. Then keep coming out to slack, haha didnt take any pic today cause later someone say i zilian,LOL.

After library went to arcade, like waste time sia go there walk walk around only, so boring,haha. After tat went everyone went home then Shafiq(matrape) , Haikal and me went to IMM to walk around, lol actually Shafiq wanted to see guitar then don't have. Haha after that went to my block downstairs to slack and chat. Lol had a great time chatting with them man, talk about a lot of stuffs and a lot of private stuffs ar. Haha shafiq very funny sia tat guy,clown sia..Haha then went home to blog

Damn it man, why man utd won again. Lol no offence man utd fans but they are just being lucky eh~ Chelsea can catch up, Whoo i'm confident. Haha good night everyone and good luck for ur SA1s especially myself, haha!!

spoke at : 10:32 PM

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Hello muggers!! Bet everyone around me must be mugging, haha. Jia you dont get too stressed yah, too much work and no play makes Jack a dull boy, hehe. Anyway came to blog on yesterday. I met with a big accident yesterday. Was playing basketball in the rain when suddenly i ran and slipped. Fuck noe head first on the ground, so bloody painful then i lost consious for a while, luckily got people to carry me to the bench if not i will still in lying in the rainwater. Wah now still very painful then after a while found out that my hip was even more painful than my head. Took a look and then was bruises, pain sia bodoh. Then went home ar, mum took me too see the doctor cause she was worried abt my head injury. Then the doctor said i very lucky sia,lol if i hit a few more inches to the left, will kena my spinal cord and it will be troublesome liao.

So phew, thank the one who's blessing me, and i have to be more careful next time man. Cannot play in the rain anymore,lol. Then last night wanted to sleep, but fuck every position i tried the pain didnt stop. I turn here turn there, also cannot then eventually went to watch soccer and slept and 4.30a.m. Was too tired and just went to sleep without feeling the pain, wierd...

This morning woke up damn tired, haha slept in a lot of lesson. Sorry teachers.. and one thing happy for me yesterday was i got 25/30 for A maths test, not bad not

SA1 is only this friday man so damn scared must pia like a nerd liao. But for now, i think i should go and rest, hehe.

spoke at : 4:07 AM

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Hello went to the library to study..Woo woke up 10.40a.m, used the comp a while then bathe and went to the library liao.. Reached there and had lunch at long john.. Then went to library to study and did homework. Kinda finished ti jie and did a maths.. lol but still haven finish, sian. Then slacked whole day at library and junyang went off and came back, after tat hong qian came. Then wee teng and silvia came also. Haha bascially has a great day studying then after dinner came back le.
Haiz, dunno wad to say and think, I feel like a loser..haha hey i haven got any tags from loners yet, lol nvm anyway good luck everyone for their SA1s!!!
me studying happily!!

spoke at : 12:00 PM

Friday, April 20, 2007

Hello loners.. AHH can i like die.. felt damn sad over something, i didnt know why, WHY WHY!! Haiz why can't u just fuck off my brain. FUCK OFF PLS, BOTH OF U!! I'm seriously not ok,aint showing it out..if u are also a loner out there can u pls tag least i will know i'm not the only one...:( Still in my mind..

Anyway had the match against 5ns today. Wow great match man, we lost like fuckers and i don't wan to talk about the score. First half was ok until second half everyone got so demoralised. Fuck my leg, keep pulling hamstring.. Nearly scored a goal but it was destined to hit the post man.. The 5Ns were strong, but rough sia they... the dunno wad name guy slide me like nobody's business...aiya nvm la..

Now i know why u came...

spoke at : 6:38 AM

Monday, April 16, 2007

Hello people!!! I'm here to blog again. Lol came to realise that my school sec 4 level in currently in WWE wrestling cards craze, haha everyone is playing deck. I started this craze, opps.. but i'm not playing, haha. Anyway today school was normal with more stress coming up. And after school went down to eat recess and was kinda turned off by one girl who looked disfigured and think only sec 2. Feel like shouting into her face man, i just stand there then attitude attitude. The face damn ugly sia, i find the name and write big big then u noe. Fuck man, luckily i controlled my temper didnt shout at here. Haha anyway today saw a lot of bodaks in our school, cool ar. But dunno why when a person starts to cut bodak everyone will tag along, think it's identity?

Anyway went to play basketball for a little while. Junyang was the clown again and he was funny, lol. Then went to KFC again to my dismay, saw them playing WWE deck again -.-

Haha btw kinda chatted with NK and nuo shi inside class just now about private stuffs. Maybe i should really put a stop to it. And i found out that i still can't forget you!! Haiz, lol why is it so!! Anyway thanks for visiting my blog..

spoke at : 6:48 PM

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Hi boozers!! Haha today was such a boring day. Woke up 9am then went for tuition. Haiz SA1 getting closer and closer everyday and today i spent a lot of time studying. I must get well man, so as not go bring shame to my family...LOL but i really hate studying i'm sure a lot of people out there shares the same hatred as me ar..haha!! How interesting it is out there..outside the school premises. Ok now for my target of SA1.. Hmmm..let's see

A maths-A2
E maths-A2
Combined Humanities-A1
Pure Geography-B3

Haiz i really have no confidence in chem, dunno why but i just can't seem to do chemistry. Maybe i'm too environmental friendly that's why i hate chemicals :) Haha anyway hope i can get my target or even better. JIA YOU!!!

spoke at : 10:24 PM

Saturday, April 14, 2007

YOZZ!! People although maybe no one is reading my blog but here to post again. LOL today has been a good day. went shopping with faiz, and him only sian. Everyone is afraid of SA1 and had to be nerds. I don't blame them. But its rather life wasting. Anyway, woke up in the morning and watched pokemon accidentally. Lol quite nice sia, still remembered how i used to love it!! Then met up with faiz and went to Bugis to buy our skinny jeans. Reached Bugis walk walk around and we are looking out for fashion mistakes, saw a few and joke about them, haha. Then went to topman to look for the jeans. We had already chose which one we wanted but to our disappointment there is only one piece of it and Faiz and I wanted the same piece. No choice but to go down to orchard to buy. Got it as last then came home. So tired now but satisfied, hehe.

Faiz and i taken at orchard

Yesterday night i was quite shocked by a news. Didn't expected you to be so fast in choosing your boyfriends. I ain't angry, nor sad just felt happy for you. But it came too sudden for me, and realised that i was foolish. Haha anyway friends forever right?

spoke at : 8:32 PM

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Hi there! i'm here again. Was rather happy that chelsea went through the champions league,lol !!! Ok to update on yesterday. Yesterday was rather normal and went to school in the morning..after schooling wanted to play soccer but street soccer team was TOO BUSY to play with us, so we do not have any ball. Haha, ended up meeting her and taught her maths will i wasnt much of a help..LOL sorry aarr!! And remember wad u owe me, muahaha! Then went home and study(pretence). Haha today was normal as well, went to school and was VERY disturbed by the banglas drilling and doing whatever shit at the basketball court. So damn noisy sia, went to AVT1 for maths quite ok la maths. After school intended to play soccer again but was denied by the rain, haiz... Went to play deck with Wee cheng and shaz and it was so no-life. They couldnt beat me, muahaha!! Winning streak ar, my booker T too strong ar, eh~ Then went home and came to blog. Tml having match against the E2s, E3s, E5s and N1s haha hope it will turn out well for us and i will update the happenings of the match tml..hehe!!

spoke at : 3:21 AM

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Tonight is the big match!!!!! Chelsea vs valencia...whoo so excited man hope chelsea can thrash valencia and roma can thrash Man Utd!!!! lol

spoke at : 4:34 AM

Hii all i have revived my blog, haha. Cause i felt left out man.. Anyway hello all feel free to visit my blog anytime. Today was a fun day but some things happened.. I really should go and reflect. Its my fault seriously, i was too fond of winning. Competition isn't about winning, it's about the process. I'm sorry guys!!

spoke at : 4:14 AM






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