Saturday, May 26, 2007

Hello boozers!! Haven been updating for quite some time as i was very lazy. Haha anyway decided to come and blog today because there was nth to be done on the com anyway. Ok had ptm on friday, saw my results and was expected to get this kind of results.. I dunno how to describe this feeling just plain heartache. Haha my mum was too nice to scold me, even my dad didnt scold and just a few words from him. This makes me could not afford to disappoint them anymore!

Okok today was basically the most boring day in my life. More bored than going to school. Stayed at night whole day cause monday is chinese o levels, and studied quite a while during the afternoons and i couldnt find much to study abt. And it was really sian!!

On friday after school it was quite fun.. Haha we took class photo and it was like so nice, not my face though.. And this might be the last memories we had in this Bukit Batok Sec Sch compound and i will miss it till the core. All the fun i had since sec 1, the camps and the sleepless nights spent in school it was all so fun. Remembered the days when i stayed back in the basketball court to play soccer and basketball. And all the fun i had in computer labs, all the mischief i created in Science labs and lecture rooms and AVTs and commence room and kitchen and DNT room and many many many more. All these had become part of me and who i am and i will really miss all of them. And rokok in toilets with my friends and playing inside toilet and whatever. And all the friends i had made in the school, regardless of age, sex, religion, race and results, we had blended so much together in this school compund. Soon it will be all gone.. When i come out of school i will start to miss them, and possibly think why didnt i cherish it now?

I had thought of such question long time ago. But... i didnt know how to cherish...

4E1'07 memories tat i will never forget.Study 1st play later..haha

4E1'05 being crazy in front of Mr quek's mistress..LOL
The 4 gays of 4E1..Whoo. Twins with us and hong bas!

Me stuck in the class cardboard. Which will be gone soon!!

spoke at : 7:00 AM

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Hihi failures!! Came to blog again. Didnt blog for 3 days. And now i'm going to blog abt them!

<<---Godfather, with my ginna,eh~

Friday- Friday was quite fun,after school went to Kevin's house with Faiz..Haha but tat guy fuck sia so late then come,lol then went for so long. Then bs then went to Kevin's house, lol his house have all the instruments man, better than a jamming studio. Then we went to play play only ah, chill at his house had a couple of drinks and chat. Haha after tat Shafiq and Andy came, Shafiq still can play with his frinkin' broken arm,LOL. One arm syndrome, WHOO..Then went to Andy's house to play PS2. LOL shafiq lost me 4 rounds of Dragonball ah. NOOB!!! After tat went home.
Saturday- Sat was quite boring man, went to plaza sing cause the bloody jason wanted to see sponge bob,LOL. Then went to cineleisure to slack and look at things after tat went home, quite bored ah walk around only never buy things, haha. Ok tats abt it.. gtg. Not going top blog abt sunday cause not over yet,haha
<<--House of music!! And Jeus and the back, the outstanding fella with the blue shirt,LOL

spoke at : 12:29 PM

Friday, May 18, 2007

hihi!! Damn sad these few days.. over results and over something else. Haiz was really disappointed man, i dun wan this kind of relationship to carry on. I felt tat u are too nice, too nice to even tell me how u feel abt me truefully in order not to hurt me... And i know maybe u didnt wan to reply but u are just so nice. So i decided not to waste anymore of your time.. I dunno abt u but i dont know abt myself as well. Thought of getting closer to u but end up feeling tat, i am not good enough for u..

spoke at : 8:25 AM

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

HELLLO DUDES!! Finally i'm here to blog again,haha! Life was great after exams but my results wasnt great..think i did not even hit one of my target. But nvm i will continue to work harder,with my intelligence sure able to make it chey~ The final show is the main event!!

Okok now dudes here to blog on Monday,haha it was a fun day. School was quite slack tat day cause it was after exams. And after school we went to Haw Par Villa, due to Mun Yee's fabulous suggestions. Haha, was kinda fun la there,quite interesting but only me and Qing Yan seems interested the rest was like so dispirited seh~Haha but everyone was very cute. Shawn, Ximing, Junyang, Qingyan, Shafiq, Haikal, Hongqian, Mun yee, Yan yun, Wee teng and Evon were all sweating like wad..haha so cute. We went to see the hell thingy, then the girls so scared ah, haha see their commited too many sins naughty naughty. Nvm nvm it was fun though, going out with girls eh~ Lol after tat went to the cheese prata shop at Pansir Panjang to have lunch and suria channel then went back..haha.. Some photos of the day's happiness

Jab the fellas~

Shafiq the buddha..LOL
Me with the guniangs~
Okok now to update on Tuesday,it was quite a boring day.. Had school and lessons as usual then had Peer tutoring and Shafiq waited for us.. After tat we went to suria channel. And hongqian had the secret mission, haha!!! But Haikal, shafiq and me were all disappointed with him man. He is supposed to do something but he didnt. Weak la Hongqian,lol. Then we went on to get some fashions sense into him. Cause he's eyeing a girl and can't get it..HAHA
Ok sort of got back all our papers except for SS and Geog.. Damn irritated sia. Nvm nvm shall blame no one except myself. Ok maybe i shall start to do some reflections why i'm getting such results. And the speech by Mrs liu really made me wanna cry, chey~ Ok i'm determined to buck up...This cannot carry on man. I can do it!!! Then after school met Ghazali, Alvin, Farrely, Shafiq, Haikal go suria channel..Then went to play soccer with the small boys. Out of the blue came Wilson and ben they all, lol funny bunch played soccer with them and went to slack. Played blackjack ah.. Lol Helmi lucky boy seh won so much. Ok the day kind of ended with this.. Tml having Chem test, although its only a test but wish me good luck babes!! WHOO

spoke at : 9:58 AM

Sunday, May 13, 2007

HIHI lovers!!! I haven't been blogging for a long time because was caught up with something.. yah yah so today i am writing on Friday and yesterday..

Friday-We went to watch spiderman after school. Lol it was quite nice man spiderman, teaches a lot of moral in life. Like life is about choices. Very true noe, whether you are a good or bad person solely depends on yourself. You choose the life u wanna lead.. Just do whatever you all think it's right guys. After the movie went to chill with Shafiq and Haikal, and we were like having deep conversations man.. And sort of found out life has no meaning? Haha and hope everything will go well for haikal and faiz ah...Despite our deep conversations we still did not forget to pose for the camera :) I will upload the photos next time. Dunno why blogger cannot upload..

Saturday-Whoo very fun saturday. Went to bugis to play pool. Basket i only managed to get 2nd position. Ghazali u are lucky to be champion, LOL. Shafiq funny sia like dunno how to play one, and Faiz came with the long hair..Action seh~ Haha just joking then went to walk around Bugis was such a hot day man. Then after tat was rather late and we went to chill again. Played a little soccer with the mats at the street soccer court and Shafiq really blend in well with them.. Lol ok i will upload some photos of that day next time :)

spoke at : 2:56 AM

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Hello dudes!!! Haha today i decided to update on yesterday. Saturday went to library to study,lol yet again ar.. It was fun man especially the activities after studying,LOL. Then hong qian came also, surprising eh~ then matrape also came.. Hahah the study part wasnt really fun then we went off at about 7p.m. Went to IMM as usual and walk walk to buy drinks. Then went to my block there to chat again. This time is not haikal its hong qian... LOL now i know who he likes man, and i wouldnt say..haha~

Ok shafiq was a joker again man.. Playing in the playground was very fun,haha

Whee the 3 gays at the playground. Shafiq was camouflaged..LOL

Shafiq naked in the playground,thinking he's cool..LOL

I was raped by the matrape and the hongni
Okok and the great day ended with much fun and laughter..Until next time~ C YA!!

spoke at : 12:30 AM

Hi homies!!! Exams is reaching the end and i bet you are all overjoyed..WHOO. Ok haven didnt updating for a few days and today i will blog about quite a lot..

Friday we had physics paper thats why me and junyang and qing yan went to cut hair fearing tat quek wouldnt allow us to take the paper if our hair is long, haha. The cutting part was fun me and junyang was busy making fun of qing yan.. He's cute man,lol.

Tats him while cutting hair, we took it secretly,lol
Thats me and junyang playing while he was cutting his hair~

Ok basically the hair cutting was only that then had physics paper on friday, very hard man.. After that went to look for the minahrape gang with shafiq and haikal. I felt so left out man, all melayu and i cina. Really feel like going back to china then,LOL this is the first time i felt malays are the majority.. Okok after that went to play soccer. Quite fun cause got shafiq the joker.. HAha not bad ar the matrape play soccer then scored 2 goals sia, take off shirt action only..LOL. Ok then went home and slack le..~ Life's good

spoke at : 12:12 AM

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Hello examies!! Haha its rather late now but i just had the urge to blog. Yesterday was the worse day of my life man.. I was so tried and i slept through the whole afternoon then i woke up and went to study at 8plus pm. Which i realised theres still tons of chem stuffs that i am unsure about. How nervous i was la, then i chiong chiong chiong and watched yu le bai fen bai in the end. Went to sleep at 2am.. Who knows i couldnt fall asleep, i really didnt know why. I was so tired and i couldnt fall asleep. Lying on the bed for dunno how many hours then realised i haven been sleeping whole night when my mum woke me up. Weird man...

Today has chem and emaths exams. Emaths i blew it off man, and chem paper 2 was easier than expected..Expected is the keyword. Lol but paper 1 was freaking hard, it depends on my luck already,haha! Haiz in the morning and people were already talking about chelsea lost.. Lol just their luck and i am seriously sad... What goes around comes around~~ Isnt that right man utd fans? LOL

After the papers went to find shafiq with haikal but he was nowhere to be seen. Must have gone home. And shafiq boy i'm sorry for the fact that your grandpa passed away, cheer up k! Ok then went to play street soccer and went home to mug mug mug!!! History had always been thought to be my forte..thought is the keyword and let's see how it goes tml..hehe~

Lol the photo on the left is quite a random pic which depicts the scene of me wrestling with Yew tong and wei zhong is helping me. Haha all these friendly wrestles can be seen in 4E1 and is a way we communicate. I kind of like this way as we can settle our problems in a fun and unhurtful way, not leaving any bad motives and if we have any unhappiness with another we will just say it out. All the guys in 4E1 are basically had no bad intentions in their mind except for some. Which isnt convenient to blog..HAHA.

spoke at : 12:00 AM






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