Sunday, July 29, 2007

Hello guys!! No time no blog ah. First here to comment on the poll, LOL thanks for all your supoort man i am now leading as the vutest of the 6, muahaha thanks thanks!! Please continue to vote ppl!

Ok So ytd was the very anticipated METAMORPHOSIS! Actually i kinda dislike it man, all my friends could wear until so nice and come and watch the performance whereas i have to wear a chinese kung fu costume and perform,haha. But i find the costume quite cute can play with it one. Anyway CO had really given me a lot of experience, i met a lot of friends there and the activities were sometimes fun but i hate the practicing part thats the reason why i always pon,lol

So anyway got up at 7am and do the necessary washing up and stuff and prepare and leave for school went there and found out tat a lot of ppl reached already and i'm late(which is not surprising) Haha then load our instruments up the truck and we set off for ACS barker. Before we boarded the bus still got a scolding from Mr Quek,tats him being himself,haha!

Reached there unload the instruments then found out Brenda liew never come. She "clever" la come practice so many times then the actual thing she pon, liddat she no CCA points then all the practices she come for nothing,lol.. Nvm abt her then reach there and we slack around and mingle around. Played psp and played with my juniors. They were fun man my juniors,haha the soon the show began..

This part was stupid, we had to sit there for half an hour and wait for all the audience to come in..stupid la make us sit there like statue then the audience all come in slowly...Then we started the show then we play our music. I'm quite satisfied with our performance overall la,not much big mistakes..

Anyway after the metanie show i went to mingle with my friends again and then some photo taking before the same old procedure goes again for the evening performance..

Finally the whole metamorphosis ended and wee cheng and me left early for something important.. ** The experience was one i will never forget
The cool people of sec 4s who are going to graduate soon,haha!
my big red cheeks( ahah results of the makeup)
My photo with Ewen and Athirah,haha. Their makeout were heavier than mine tat i couldnt recognise them man,lol. But they were gorgeous though

spoke at : 1:17 AM

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Hello guys!! how's life.. Anyway tml is the racial harmony day..Whoo so excited ah must take lots and lots and lots of photos. Last year in this school celebrating racial harmony man, so sad. Wearing malay costume tml, cause i looks like mat, eh~ kidding i not shafiq. Haha anyway i haven't been blogging for a long time again due to the laziness..

Whoo do u all love my blogsong its very soothing isnt it,haha! Its actually quite sad ah the song maybe some of u will cry listening to it,lol.. Enjoy it, reminds me abt lots of things man.

Haha to liven up my blog heres a poll. I not stepping one shafiq ah i just wanna see how u guys think of us. Lol anyway Shafiq's poll i dunno wtf is he trying to ask man, wad most elligible,lol. Come vote mine,muahaha!

spoke at : 3:58 AM

Monday, July 09, 2007

Changed blog song, i find this song very nice man..Feed ur ears to it guys
YOZZ EVERYBODY!!! Here to blog again..had been lazy again sorry guys. Today is Monday but i am going to blog abt last friday..haha.

Ok last friday had BBQ cause its yu peng's birthday..haha a lot of ppl went man, quite fun everything was very nice. The food, the ppl only the clearing up, haha!! Anyway had soccer match with 4Ns last friday also, we won ah..very tyco 4E 2-1 4N .. Ah anyway after the match went to the BBQ reached the Community centre and saw zhi hui and watched them played basketball for a while when later all of them came with big bags of drinks and everything then we went to the bbq pit.

Haha qing yan was funny lah said 192 he could have said JBS and all of us understands man..ok anyway went tat and started up the fire. Qing yan was the most hardworking one,he asked me to set up another pit but i refused cause i am too lazy,haha sorry dude! Then after a while all the girls and guys came... Abt 40 plus ppl man. Then i was dragged by Ying xuan to play the dinosaur and egg game kinda stupid man, but found back my childmood..whoo!! Then i chat with this very cute boy.

I asked him "what's ur race?"

he replied witht he innocent look " I'm a buddhist" lol i was so amazed by his answer. He dont look at all like a Chinese but we never know

Then i asked again "haha what is ur RACE, not RELIGION"

and again he answered buddhist and i finally gave up,lol cute guy.. then vanessa came and i said she was a hindu,lol sorry ah girl..

Okok basically the bbq we ate ate ate and drink drink drink. But they all drank alcohol ah,i dunno why. Think they step one drinker ah, some guys face red red dunno drunk or wad. I didnt drink man, felt so holy...LOL.. Then had a chat with some of the guys and girls and basically soon after all went home and the few of us HAO XIONG DI had to clear up everything,haha!

Junyang, Jingxiang, Nic, Qing Yan, Yu Peng and his mum and me cleared up everything. I was very paiseh why Yu peng's mum was clearing the things for us and i quickly went to help her. And BBQ surely tats ppl who just ate and did not do any stuffs. Since its a happy occasion, nobody really mind. We just did the job and carried all the leftovers to Yu peng's house. Yu peng spent a bomb on this BBQ man and i really felt guilty. We only paid 10 dollars and tats not even enough to cover half of it. He's such a nice guy man.. Thats a lot of leftovers,he ordered a lot of food fearing we could not get our share. Ah anyway went to yu peng's house and i had to take back some of the leftovers. His mum insisted me to,haha!

Then the great day come to an end..Whoo fun fun BBQ!!
Do u see the zhong and his ginnaS behind? Hiak hiak..

spoke at : 7:37 AM

Monday, July 02, 2007

Hihi everyone.. Here to post on last Friday's meaning NCC day which i forgot to blog about it. Anyway tats nth to blog abt today as i practically slept at home all day..shoot!!

Ok on friday morning, 29/7/2007. That is the day when i will wear my no.4 for the last time. I wore it for the past 4 years, and finally i had to wear it for the last time. I thought it was going to good that i'm finally stepping down but instead of feeling happy i kinda felt sad tat i'm actually going and leaving NCC and this school.. NCC was a great experience for me building me up mentally and physically. I loved NCC but i heard the spec course and the senior spec course as i was literally introverted during the courses. Theres no one i knew and i basically got no one to talk to.. The fun thing is National Camp, haikal and I.. Whoo met a lot of new girls over there,haha oopps..

Went to school in the morning and form up the parade. Sized my lovely part As and we are ready for the parade! I really will miss them man, and i can't put my heart to rest when i come to know who is taking over them.. Haiz,that guy who might be taking over my part A as PC isnt really bad. But he just can't make correct decisions and not at all influential..Ok hope things turn put well for him and my part A. After the parade went back to class as normal..after school had photo taking sessions,haha!

<---Me and hong bus in class..memories dude

After school actually decided to go and have some fun but changed my mind when i heard tats a farewell party for us..whoo. Then went to eat with aug and hong qian cause hong qian wanna eat. Then went back school but its still early, slack around school and finally went for NCC to see how our juniors is doing.. Some of the part Cs and learning fast and doing a great job but some just cant make it..Tat seems to be the norm for every batch..

After the training and had our food, first time i felt as if i'm the king man.. We had the privilege of eating first and need for queue up for our food and drinks,haha! Then we had our meals and Mr Mazlee had a heartwarming speech touching we nearly cried,eh~ just kidding..

Then the great day ended with photo taking of our great platoons.. With our officers on top,the additions of Mr Nagulan and a new teacher(i didnt know his name,lol)

<---spot me!
<---Find me!
Then went to bukit batok with haikal, shafiq and aug to buy something and went back after a while of lepak.. NCC all the way, whoo!!

spoke at : 6:04 AM

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Hello boozers! How's life... Ok anyway decided to blog on today cause i find it meaningful. Woke up at 9am, the waking up part was very hard man, was so tired after sleeping at around 2am last night. Woke up and went to tuition.

After tuition met Augustine Siva and hong qian and went to gym..Wow tiring sia, although i am kinda slack but still tiring..haha. Then after the gym we were like so bored and augustine wanted to watch transformers and we had no change but to bugged ann khay and ben liew to watch together, haha sorry yah.. So hong qian aug ben liew ann khay ben koh and me went to watch transformers!!

The show was kinda awesome really. If u havent catch it i suggest u do, the machines were cool and the girl inside the movie was awesome too man. Megan fox, sexy noe!! U might think the movie will be childish childish like the cartoons but they have damn lot of differences man.. it was like a very high tech movie, nice worth watching..

After that nowhere to go then went home ah. So tat was kinda my day..

Yesterday was kinda very bored man.. Had nth to do and went to play pool with wen xiang and shafiq. They suggested going town when shafiq only had 20 cents with him,haha but i rejected him so went to play pool. Quite fun the score is jiayong-5 shafiq-3 wen xiang-3 haha fun sia then wen xiang like very disgraced he got the same score as shafiq,lol. Ok tats abt it..

Anyway shafiq if u were reading this post i am here to say sorry for the racist jokes tat day ah..LOL i still love u dude. Even if i cant see u in the night,haha!

spoke at : 5:22 AM






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